Your Free Training

Imagine a world where your sales and marketing teams work seamlessly together, your company is highly profitable, and you acquire clients at breakeven (or even profitably) on the front end.

How perfect would that be, right?

Unfortunately most marketing and sales teams are the exact opposite of this.

Marketing blames sales. Sales blames marketing. 

Nobody’s on the same page and the owner is stuck putting out fires 24/7.

Aside from the fact that this is a massive pain in the ass…

It’s also costing you an enormous amount of money.

If you follow this guide to a tee…

You’ll be able to get this turned around in just a few short weeks.

I’m going to share how I help online business owners go from failing to keep their sales and marketing teams on the same page (and bleeding money because of it) to integrating their entire client acquisition ecosystem, reducing their cost per acquisition, and becoming a much more profitable streamlined company.

For context, I’ve been working in sales and marketing since 2018. 

I’ve done everything from working as a setter and sourcing over $300K/mo in cash collected.

Working as a full-time sales rep and selling over $8M worth of loans over the phone.

Working as an in-house copywriter and working directly under many of the biggest names in the info-product space like Cole Gordon, Jeff Sekinger, and Joel Kaplan. 

Owning my own email marketing agency. 

To now being the CMO of a $4M/year online business. 

The reason I bring this up is because the information in this guide is not “beginner-friendly” model and is designed for established online businesses. 

This is for you if:

  • Your company sells a high ticket product

  • You have a sales team with setters and closers (or SDR’s and AE’s)

  • You use paid advertising as your main lead source

  • You’re a marketing agency owner, coaching business, consulting business, recruiting business, or any type of business that sells services in the $3,000-$40,000 range

This is NOT for you if you are:

  • An ecom brand owner

  • Affiliate marketer

  • Dropshipper or

  • Do not have an existing business 

Here are the 4 steps we’re going to be covering today:

  1. Proper tracking setup 

  2. Marketing x Sales Group Meeting Protocol

  3. Group Communities

  4. Email Marketing

Let’s dive in:

#1. Tracking

First and foremost you’re going to need end to end tracking across your entire client acquisition ecosystem.

This is the #1 issue I see on my consulting calls.

Business owners don’t know what the problem is because they don’t have visibility into the numbers to back it up.

When sales points the finger at marketing and marketing points the finger at sales…

You don’t know whose fault it is.

There’s no hard metrics to back up where the problems lie.

So that’s where you need to start out.

If tracking inside your business is a disaster, then fixing that is going to be a major priority.

If you don’t have Hyros setup, then you’re going to need to have that completed (and also setup properly).

I believe you need to be spending $10,000/mo or more on ads in order to create an account.

So here’s what you need to be tracking on a 7, 14, 30 & weekly, and rolling monthly basis:

  • Leads

  • Cost Per lead

  • Booked Calls

  • Cost Per Booked Call

  • Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL’s) 

  • Cost Per MQL

On the sales side you’re going to need:

For setters:

  • Sets

  • Showed Sets

  • Sets Closed

For Closers you’re going to need:

  • Scheduled Calls

  • Live Taken Calls

  • Show Rate

  • Offers Made

  • Units Closed

  • Cash Collected

On sales you’re going to need these numbers broken down individually by each setter and closer.

Next Visibility:

Especially on the sales side you’re going to need to track these metrics like a hawk.

You’re going to need to setup several zaps inside Slack:

  • Zap all new optins into slack 

  • Zap all new calls booked into slack 

  • Separate these out by channel (I just label the channels “optins” and “booked calls”)

You’re going to need your setters commenting on each of these new optins coming in when they have called each time.

This should give you adequate visibility into their speed to lead.

You NEED your setters calling all new optins in under 5 minutes (this will substantially increase their ability to book calls - there’s an enormous amount of data to back this up).

All of these metrics are super important and need to be tracked daily.

So how do you track these and ensure that your team is on top of them?

That leads me to my second point.

#2 Sales and Marketing Weekly Meeting

I recommend having a weekly sales x marketing meeting where you get everyone together to walk through these metrics.

Every person on the team needs to be responsible for their metrics. 

I use a simple framework for this:

  1. Diagnosis of Problem (what’s going on)

  2. Reason Why (what’s the cause of the problem)

  3. Action Steps (what are they going to do to fix the problem)

For example:

If call volume is down, your setters need to be aware that this is happening. 

Chances are this is a mix of setters dropping the ball and ads underperformance.

Setters must report their numbers to show they are aware of this issue.

They should know where their projected numbers stand, what their actual numbers are, and how far off they are from the projection.

If they are off pace on sets closed, they need to identify what the problem is and display a level of awareness surrounding it.

For example:  

Maybe their diagnosis of the problem is that they are DQ’ing too many people and being too stringent with who they put on the closers calendars. 

This could mean they aren’t setting enough calls, and ultimately lead to their numbers being off.

The reason why is because their Closers are unhappy with recent lead quality and only want to speak with more highly qualified prospects. 

The action step is to be less stringent with who they put on the calendar and require closers to take calls with all prospects who meet MQL criteria.

Every single person on the team needs to show up to meetings ready to report numbers with this level of awareness.

I can assure you that if you operate this way with your team on a regular basis, it will drive competitiveness of your team members, it will weed out the underperformers and people who don’t belong there, and it will ultimately make you a much more profitable and efficient company.

You need to enforce a company culture where your people show up to meetings 100% prepared, having a clear understanding of what the problems are, and also having a gameplan to fix said problems. 

Next - let’s move on to areas that will drive profitability.

#3 Group Communities

We live in an era of distrust.

1 or 2 call closing cold traffic prospects on $10,000 B2C programs is getting harder and harder.

This typically elongates the sales cycle.

It’s not that you can’t close prospects on this…

However, you need to step up your long game follow up systems.

People are lonelier than ever, having a great community is a killer value-add right now.

Remember how Facebook groups were back in 2019/2020?

I believe that Skool groups are in the process of replacing that.

If you haven’t started a Skool group, I highly recommend doing so. 

Having a killer group/community is a gamechanger for setters and also a great way to mitigate the risk of ad accounts going down.

You want to have your setters posting in this group routinely, dropping two steps, interviewing top clients…etc.

Establish your setters and clients as celebrities of sorts inside your community.

Talk about them, give them shoutouts, showcase the fact that they are experts.

This helps their positioning on calls. 

The key to establishing communities is by creating a specific identity that your ideal prospects can rally around.

There’s 11 types of community archetypes you can cultivate. 

You need a clear understanding of your audience and establish your community around one of their most common sentiments.

I got this from Robert Cole (and I believe he got it from Carl Jung):

  1. The Innocent

These types of people crave happiness in their lives (an example would be Leonardo Dicaprio in the movie “The Beach”). 

A lot of ecom brand owners fit this archetype - they want the laptop lifestyle, they want freedom, they want to be able to live out of a backpack and take surfing trips to Hawaii on a whim.

  1. The Orphan

These types of people desperately crave security and belonging. 

If you sell primarily to women, this is a great one to use as it is very common. As a general rule of thumb, men tend to seek status where women tend to seek security. 

I’m not going to open up a whole rabbithole on evolutionary psychology right now (but feel free to shoot me an email back if you want to learn more about this).

These people simply want to be a part of the group. They feel outcast, they feel alone, they want to be a part of something.

Think of a high school nerd who has no friends. Now think of them grown up.

A lot of business owners started businesses because they are essentially compensating for the fact that they never felt accepted as a child. 

You want to play to their inner child by giving them a place where they feel accepted.

  1. The Hero

These types of people crave validation, celebrity, and thrive off of recognition. A lot of influencers fit this archetype. They want to be looked at and fawned over.

This is super common in the fitness space. I would also say it’s super common in the marketing agency space. 

An easy way to execute on this is to get your community members to start posting revenue screenshots. If clients are getting killer results, these types will want to show off. In doing so, it makes you look good and provides social proof.

You want to interview these clients, hype them up, make them feel cool, and also show other members of the group that they will receive this same treatment if they achieve success.

  1. The Caregiver

These types of people want to help and service others. Pretty self-explanatory.

I would say that a lot of non-profit owners fit into this category.

I doubt that many people reading this are selling to this market.

  1. The Explorer

These people crave freedom and establishing an authentic life that feels true to them.

This is a SUPER common sentiment among a lot of people nowadays. 

Think of people who feel out of alignment with themselves. 

Corporate employees who hate their jobs and just want to travel the world.

The business owner who started his business to escape his soul-sucking job, but instead trapped himself in 80 hour work weeks with no way out.

They want wanderlust, cool adventures, fun stories. 

If you’ve ever seen the movie, The Secret Life of Walter Smitty, he’s a great example of this.

  1. The Outlaw

This type is motivated to better the world through revenge and rebellion. Think Tyler Durden from Fight Club.

They have a bone to pick with the world.

This stuff CRUSHES with a male gen z audience.

I would argue that someone like Andrew Tate heavily utilizes this type of community-based marketing with Hustlers’ University and The Real World.

He primarily uses an “us vs them” type of approach by creating a common enemy (I.E. the Matrix) for his students to rebel against by joining his programs and leveraging his teachings. 

  1. The Lover

This type is very interested in lasting meaningful relationships with others. 

They’re a bit of a Casanova type of person. 

This may sound a bit odd…but I would actually argue that this does really well with ultra high networth individuals and business owners who make a ton of money.

They aren’t necessarily interested in making more money (they’re already really good at that). What many of them lack is relationships.

Maybe that’s with their kids, their spouse, their family. They feel that something is missing from their personal life.

  1. The Creator

This type is very interested in innovation. They want to create things that change the world (think Elon Musk or authors like JK Rowling).

  1. The Jester

This type optimizes their entire life for living in the moment and doing what feels best right now.

Think of a young child at recess (a lot of adults still think like this btw).

  1. The Magician

This type wants to transform the world to fit their vision. 

I would argue that a lot of tech founders today fit this archetype. Same with politicians. 

  1. The Ruler

These types of people crave power and wealth (think Kevin Spacey’s character in House of Cards).

Alright, so those are the 11 main community archetypes.

It’s SUPER important to know your market to a tee. Know who you’re speaking to. 

Know their deepest, darkest fears. Know what they want out of life and what they believe is stopping them from getting it. 

You want to rally your community around this image and more importantly you want to live this image in your own life for them to see. 

For example:

If you have a lot of “Explorer” types in your group.

You’re going to want to create a “hero’s journey” type story of sorts surrounding how:

  1. You used to be just like them (I.E. worked a shitty corporate job with an asshole boss who was super disrespectful)

  2. One day you hit a breaking point when your boss crossed the line by (I.E. making you work on Christmas or making you miss your girlfriends birthday…prompting her to break up with you)

  3. You vowed to change your life

  4. You quit your job that day

  5. You go through a bunch of trials and tribulations that were super difficult, expensive, and stressful

  6. NOW you’re living this awesome life that’s everything you ever dreamed of where you take trips around the world all of the time

  7. You also teach people how to do what you did (except on easy mode)

You want to present an image of yourself as their ideal life. 

You want to encourage people in the group to do the same. That way you can all rally around this concept that they all want.

There’s a lot more to this that I’ll go into later.

Next, in addition to your Skool community, you need to have your email marketing gameplan setup.

Skool is a great place for content.

Email is a great place for heavy direct response and driving sales.

#4 - Email Marketing

Contrary to what a lot of people say, email marketing is definitely NOT dead.

If you’re not doing email marketing, you’re missing out bigtime.

I recommend using Beehiiv as your ESP.

I’ve used pretty much every ESP out there, Beehiiv is relatively cheap and my favorite one hands-down.

I could write a book on email marketing but ultimately it comes down to a few main things:

  1. Killer welcome sequence that strikes while the iron is hot

  2. Heavy direct response scarcity based offer 1x per week

There’s two main things I want you to keep in mind when it comes to email marketing (not a lot of people talk about this)...

  1. You want to establish yourself as an authority in the inbox.

They should open emails BECAUSE it’s coming from you. 

Not because you wrote a killer subject line. But because they know you’re the one it’s coming from.

People like Ian Stanley and Alen Sultanic do a killer job with this.

  1. Email follows the 80/20 rule revenue-wise (possibly the 95/5 rule)

The VERY large majority of your profits via email are going to come from heavy direct response/scarcity based emails.

I’ve managed lists for tons of clients over the last few years ranging anywhere from as low as $100,000/mo to as high as $4M/mo.

Case studies, testimonials, content emails, curiosity based emails, contrarian emails…

All of these have an intangible value that’s difficult to place a hard number to.

HOWEVER - the bulk of your revenue comes from dropping hard offers.

Hard offer emails are something along these lines: 

“Want to work with me 1-on-1 where I’ll be your Fractional CMO and take over your entire marketing ecosystem? 

This email list has over 20,000 business owners on it and I only have room to take on 1 person for this month. 

Want the details? Reply with your number.”


“I’m taking on one new Fractional CMO client this month. Want the details?”

THIS is where the money is at with email marketing. 

Not in the long form value emails.

As a general rule of thumb, it’s good to build goodwill with a list. If you don’t, then people will stop opening your emails.

However, you HAVE to make offers. I can’t stress this enough. 

People are not going to buy unless you put the offer in front of them and give them a compelling reason to buy NOW.

I’m not going to break down my entire process for email marketing inside this guide…

But I will have more trainings where I cover this in depth.

Which leads me to my final point. 

If you follow the steps in this guide step by step…

I am extremely confident that you will be a substantially more profitable company solely due to having superior systems setup and put in place. 

I’m not going to bullshit you... 

This is a lot of work. 

It’s going to take a lot of time that you probably don’t have. 

But if you put in the effort to create all of this and enforce it on your team, I PROMISE you that it’s going to be a gamechanger for your business.

VERY few people are doing this stuff and the ones who are are making millions of dollars per month. 


This is not an “end-all-be-all” type of guide.

I typically take consulting calls with people and walk them through this entire step by step process.

They get it setup and going…

But also run into a ton of problems along the way. 

Following this guide will help you to IDENTIFY where your problems lie.

Awareness is the first step.

Now if you need help FIXING these problems…

Then that’s going to be outside the scope of this free training.

That’s why I’m putting together a much more comprehensive Skool community where I break down every single issue that I’ve ever faced in my role as a CMO.

This is a brand new community that I’m still in the process of launching.

This is not some large mastermind with hundreds of “bizopp prospects.”

My goal is to create a small community of established business owners where we can discuss issues we face with integrating sales and marketing teams.

These exact same topics that I’ve been covering in this free training…

I’ll be walking through them in much more depth inside this group. 

No, this will not be free.

I want to preserve the quality of the group and this is tough to maintain without a paywall.

However, it’s not going to put you back $10,000 and you’re not going to have to speak with a Closer either.

Like I said before…

This is a brand new offer for me. In the future, I’ll probably make this a recurring paid community.

But if you join now, you can get in for a small one-time fee.

So if you want the full details…

Just send me an email at [email protected] with the word “YES” and I’ll shoot over a google doc breaking everything down.

I hope this was helpful for you and thanks for reading.