My #1 Secret For Global Domination

Here’s something that took me a very long time to figure out that has put an enormous amount of money into my pocket over the last 18 months:

As a general rule of thumb in life… 

Always Look To Find Ways To Put Yourself In a Position of Leverage and Give Yourself Superior Positioning. 

I have 3 main ways that I use to do this:

  1. I engineer situations where I am positioned as an authority figure

  2. I insert myself into places where there is a limited supply of my services

  3. I also insert myself into places where there is high demand for my services

This puts the ball in your court. 

It gives YOU the power. 

It enables you to choose who you work with, how much you charge, and in general to operate on your own terms. 

Most copywriters lose in business and also in life BECAUSE they think everything is about “writing good copy.”

This is false.

The business of copywriting is largely dependent on your positioning in the market.

If you have zero leverage and your positioning sucks…it doesn’t matter how good your copy is…your bank account will suck.

This also applies to business as a whole, dating, and pretty much everything in life. 

Let me break down a few examples of both good and bad ways to do this:

Example #1

Let’s say a big name person (I’ll use Taylor Welch since he did this last year) drops a job posting for a role as a copywriter to his personal profile that he wants to fill sometime in the next 3 months.

Taylor has a large audience of copywriters who follow him because he’s written copywriting coaching offers in the past.

Therefore dozens of copywriters comment on this post practically begging to work for him. 

Taylor knows good copy.

He also knows good copywriters.

Copywriting was the main skillset he initially used to get rich so not only does he have a high level understanding of the skillset, he also understands the business side of it and the key players involved.

If this role was urgent for him, he could easily make a few phone calls and fill the role in an afternoon. 

This example is the exact OPPOSITE of a position of leverage for the copywriter. 

Taylor has 100% of the leverage in this case. His positioning is superior in every single way.

He is the authority figure (because he’s a much better copywriter than every single person who applies). 

The supply (I.E. copywriters) is huge because hundreds of people are commenting. 

The demand (I.E. when he needs it by) is low because he’s essentially just taking an initial round of interviews.

If he wanted to, he could basically just say: 

“This role pays $50,000/year and you have to be full-time. If you’re in this for the money, please don’t apply. You get to learn from me personally which will be worth millions over the course of your life.”

He could do that and someone good would still take it BECAUSE Taylor has 100% of the leverage (while the copywriter has none). 

[side note: he actually did the exact opposite and made it clear the role paid $300,000/year which further increased his authority frame in this scenario].

So this is actually an incredible example of leverage and positioning (from the business owner’s side) but a terrible example from the copywriter’s side.

Let’s look at a different example:

Example #2

Back in summer 2021, a lot of people were moving back into NYC since lockdowns were finally ending. 

My fiance and I were moving in together and we needed to get a new spot. 

Due to the large influx of people coming in, realtors were price gouging the living hell out of everyone. 

There was enormous demand for apartments (because so many people were coming into NYC). 

However, supply (I.E. housing availability) was extremely low. More people wanted to move into Lower Manhattan than there were apartments available.  

This was a situation where a real estate agent could have incredible positioning. 

So I pull up to this open house for an average-at-best 400 sq ft 1 bedroom near Greenwich Village that was listed at $3,400/mo (already overpriced in my opinion). 

There’s a line out the door of people at 9 AM on a Sunday to see this apartment.  

We get in and the real estate agent tells everyone:  

“There’s about 30 people seeing this apartment this morning. It will be gone by 5 PM tonight. If you want it, organize all your documents, place a bid for how much you’re willing to pay, and make out a check for security deposit+first months rent. The highest bidder whose documents are approved wins.”

I bid $3,700. I didn’t even receive a call back. 

Textbook execution by this real estate agent. 

This guy had all the leverage and raked money because of it. 

The only thing it was missing in my opinion was an authority frame (but honestly it didn’t make a difference in this case).

Let’s say he was like Ryan Serhant and had a massive following, that would have given him greater leverage in this scenario.

But as a whole, this was executed extremely well.

I’ve got one more example for you today - I want to get outside the realm of business.

(this isn’t the most PC example…but it proves my point nonetheless)

Example #3:

A friend of mine in college played on the basketball team and later ended up in the NBA. 

This guy was like a young Dwayne Wade. 

  • 6’5” 

  • Good-looking dude 

  • Super smooth  

  • Incredible athlete 

On top of that, he had a few extraneous factors:

  1. His older brother was an MD at Goldman Sachs in New York (and everyone at my school wanted to work on Wall Street).

  2. His girlfriend was one of the hottest girls in our entire university (I.E. social proof) but everyone knew that he wasn’t exactly “monogamous” (because he had leverage in the relationship)

Every single basketball game, this guy would have an entire crowd of girls come to watch him. 

…and they ALL wanted him. 

  • Authority frame - yes, best player on the basketball team

  • High demand - yes, there’s literally an entire crowd of girls watching him every game

  • Low supply - yes, there’s only 1 of him 

To say this guy did well for himself would be a massive understatement.

I personally believe that in life, if you can setup situations where you can achieve leverage and superior positioning for yourself, you’ll be much better off.

But you’ve gotta be able to take a step back and look at the big picture in order to do so. 

You’ve gotta think like a CEO not an analyst. 

Life becomes a lot easier when you have leverage.

That’s all I’ve got for you today!

Enjoy your Sunday!

- Damon

P.S. I’m planning to relaunch my YouTube channel very soon so I’m super excited for that.

Have a specific topic you’d like for me to cover? Or have a topic you’d like to talk about and have me interview you on? Lemme know