AI For Kids

I don’t have kids yet, but I do know one thing:

My future kids will be learning about AI, VR, Crypto, and pretty much every form of disruptive tech from a very young age.

Instead of learning about long division, geometry, or the 5,278,756 new genders that have apparently been discovered in 2023…

I want to make sure my future kids are setup for success for WHERE THE WORLD IS GOING.

As Wayne Gretsky said, “Skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.”

I believe that AI today is a lot like the internet in the mid-1990’s.

The main difference is that instead of taking a decade to gain mass adoption and another 5 to get the masses to have an iPhone in their hand 24/7/365…

AI will take hold MUCH faster.

The rate at which these LLM’s are improving is pretty scary.

…and if you’re not paying attention, you’re going to get left behind.

I’m currently spending a substantial amount of my day trying to learn:

  1. ChatGPT

  2. Claude

  3. Midjourney and

  4. Synthesia

ChatGPT/Claude for copywriting (which is ultimately the lifeblood of my email marketing business).

Midjourney for ad creatives for clients.

Synthesia for short form video (good for ads/organic content/potential VSL’s in the future).

I’m really excited to dive into a few others as well.

AutoGPT is pretty badass for building out end to end marketing campaigns (haven’t spent much time with it but looks super interesting).

One of my clients is currently beta-testing Air.AI for AI appointment setters.

If this works, we’ll never have to hassle our Setters about calling the leads in under 5 minutes ever again.

…BECAUSE we’re probably going to fire them.

Is that harsh?


But guess what?

AI is going to destroy millions of jobs over the coming years.

Anyone who has a job that’s heavily reliant on doing repetitive tasks is at major risk.

This is why I think it’s particularly important to allocate time toward these platforms on a daily basis.

…and if you’re a parent, you should be putting your kids onto this as well.

Speaking of that…

My friend Alex Olesen and his team recently built out a platform to help kids learn to use AI responsibly.

They have just over 100 users in their beta right now.

If you could do me a big favor and try it out that would be much appreciated (not an affiliate link - it’s free).

Alex is pitching to some VC’s next week so please don’t hesitate to pass along any feedback.