January 21st, 2024

If you’re looking to get in on the ground floor of a new opportunity with major potential…

The team at Copy Accelerator is bringing on a Closer for a new offer that they’re launching in the next few weeks (along with selling a few of their existing offers).

If you’re not familiar with Copy Accelerator…

CA is not only the category king of copywriting coaching offers…

But they’re also WAY ahead of the curve when it comes to writing copy with AI (one of the most sought after skill sets in 2024).

As a Closer, a large amount of your success is dependent on the quality of your marketing team.

Stefan Georgi, Luke Mills Iha, and Mario Castelli are three of the most prolific copywriters alive today (so you’ll have a truly world class marketing team behind you every step of the way). 

If you’re interested in working with the CA team…

They’re looking to launch ASAP.

  • D

P.S. My other email newsletter, the Future of Disruptive Tech is almost to 10,000 subscribers. Want to learn more about Virtual Reality, AI, Crypto, and other crazy shit that’s going to completely change the world in the next few years?